Spiritual life - The Easter Story
The Easter story as told by the Children and Young People from St Mark's Heyside Sunday School and Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade.
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The Easter story as told by the Children and Young People from St Mark's Heyside Sunday School and Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade.
Lynn Higgs takes on a journey with Jesus.
Our Sunday Eucharist service for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, 7th March 2021 with Rev. Brian Hartley.
Please join Rev Brian Hartley for our Sunday Eucharist
Our Children tell their own nativity story
St Mark's Heyside presents, The Coverdale Puppets with - "Another Christmas Carol"
Sunday Eucharist for Advent Sunday - 29th November 2020 with Rev. Hilda Wild
Please join Rev Canon Richard Hawkins for an Act of Remembrance at the Heyside war Memorial - St Mark's Heyside.
Our Sunday Eucharist with Rev. Doug Oates from St Mar's Heyside for Remembrance Sunday 2020. See also our Act of Remembrance.
Join Rev. Doug Oates for Evening Prayer.