Parish Share

St Mark's contribute to the work of the diocese by giving Parish Share. Most importantly, Parish Share helps cover the costs of the clergy in our diocese – their stipend and housing costs as well as national insurance and pension contributions. Those parishes which can afford it, are asked to make larger contributions to help pay for clergy costs in our most deprived areas. This is one of the strengths of our Parish Share system – that together in our diocese and in partnership with the national church, we can make sure there is a Christian presence in every community, not just those who can afford it.

We are a nurturing church which is focused on discipleship and evangelism, helping people develop their spiritual lives and share the good news of Jesus, worshipping at different times during the week, where clergy and lay people are able to share their time and their talents and get the best out of everyone.

We are also a serving church, reflecting Christ’s love in supporting those who are deprived and excluded, bringing different communities and people of different faiths together and working to ensure that our church buildings are welcoming and sustainable.

We want to thank you for your financial giving to your church and the wider diocese.

What is Parish Share?

Find out more

More information on Parish Share can be found on the Manchester Diocese website.


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